Friday, February 15, 2013

Kashi Steam Meals: TRY IT!

Okay...before you freak out about frozen foods, high sodium, or foods that claim to be "all natural," let's just talk for a moment about this delicious discovery. I understand what is wrong with those three claims, but I also find the value in eating something that is still healthier than fast-food on South Street when I have very little time but want to keep myself in calorie-check. I have recently gone back to using My FitnessPal, a calorie tracking device on my phone which helps me maintain or lose weight with goals that I set for myself. I found this product at my local Shoprite in Marlton, NJ (not yet in Whole Foods or Wegmans, etc.) and was pleasantly surprised. It was something that I could make when I don't have a lot of free time, something that can be tracked in my phone for my calorie app, and fulfill my dose of veggies for dinner- which I typically do not like taking the time to cook. This Kashi product, like their frozen pizzas & cereals, has come in 1st place once again -- at least in my book!

One bag has "two servings" in it. 
-->What does this mean for the average person? Eat the whole bag (think: my dad, my brother, etc). 
-->What does this mean for the person watching their weight? Put half of it in a bowl for your dinner, and put the other half in a container to take to work the next day for lunch. Note: I did that today.

One serving has around 300 calories and is STOCKED with 14g of protein (great after a workout like I had last night!), which is technically a "meal" -- it fills a bowl and makes you feel full because you are getting your carb-fix with the whole grain pasta in it. Try this easy dinner/lunch option, drink a full glass of water or seltzer with it, give yourself time to digest, and feel good about your decision to eat this instead of fast-food!


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