Tuesday, February 19, 2013

POP Corners: Try Them!

Popcorners - White Cheddar

Popcorn in chip-form that doesn't leave kernels stuck in your teeth? YES PLEASE! Try them ASAP...I can't believe I waited this long!

Many people suggested that I try these. I did. You should. The end.

(Kosher, Gluten Free, low-cal if you have the time to separate the right amount out into a "serving", six flavors, available in most supermarkets).

Get a movie, grab a blanket on the couch, and enjoy some pop-cornERS!

Friday, February 15, 2013

Kashi Steam Meals: TRY IT!

Okay...before you freak out about frozen foods, high sodium, or foods that claim to be "all natural," let's just talk for a moment about this delicious discovery. I understand what is wrong with those three claims, but I also find the value in eating something that is still healthier than fast-food on South Street when I have very little time but want to keep myself in calorie-check. I have recently gone back to using My FitnessPal, a calorie tracking device on my phone which helps me maintain or lose weight with goals that I set for myself. I found this product at my local Shoprite in Marlton, NJ (not yet in Whole Foods or Wegmans, etc.) and was pleasantly surprised. It was something that I could make when I don't have a lot of free time, something that can be tracked in my phone for my calorie app, and fulfill my dose of veggies for dinner- which I typically do not like taking the time to cook. This Kashi product, like their frozen pizzas & cereals, has come in 1st place once again -- at least in my book!

One bag has "two servings" in it. 
-->What does this mean for the average person? Eat the whole bag (think: my dad, my brother, etc). 
-->What does this mean for the person watching their weight? Put half of it in a bowl for your dinner, and put the other half in a container to take to work the next day for lunch. Note: I did that today.

One serving has around 300 calories and is STOCKED with 14g of protein (great after a workout like I had last night!), which is technically a "meal" -- it fills a bowl and makes you feel full because you are getting your carb-fix with the whole grain pasta in it. Try this easy dinner/lunch option, drink a full glass of water or seltzer with it, give yourself time to digest, and feel good about your decision to eat this instead of fast-food!


Monday, February 11, 2013

POP Chips: Try them!

I recently bought mini-bags of popchips, with both original potato & BBQ flavor. I loved the original and highly recommend that you try them! The BBQ weren't my style, but that isn't to say they were bad...that is up to you and your standards of BBQ flavors.

I enjoyed them for the following reasons:
-100 calorie bags make it easy to have guilt-free midday snacks.
-each bag is filled with a lot of chips so you really get to snack for a long time.
-they are vegan, kosher, gluten free, cholesterol free, low fat and affordable. 

Sometimes, I feel guilty breaking into a small snack bag of chips because they'll be about 200-300 calories for the whole bag, which could be my entire lunch meal! This snack gives you a LOT inside the bag, for VERY LITTLE calories. Try them next time you go food shopping!


Monday, February 4, 2013

Cinnamon & Agave Sweet Potato Tortilla Chips: TRY THEM!

You have GOT to try these awesome new tortilla chips made by RW Garcia, a company based in San Jose, CA. Their product is VERY new, so it's not on their website yet- but I bought a bag of them at Wegman's in Cherry Hill last week for only 99 cents!

If you can find a supermarket near by that has them, I highly recommend snatching a few bags.  You get 11 chips for only 140 calories, which is pretty filling. They're addictive though, so be careful. As a friend of mine said, they taste "like a donut". 

I took that picture myself because I couldn't find one online...but I SWEAR they do exist! Hopefully RW Garcia will start producing them regularly, if this was a trial, I guess!

They're the perfect combo of sweet, healthy, crunchy and "snack" category. They are gluten free and GMO free. We like that around here :) PLEASE let me know if you find them in another store..thanks!


Sunday, February 3, 2013

SeaSnax: TRY IT!

My brother recently got me hooked on SeaSnax.  We both have always loved sushi so seaweed is a delicious snack for homies like us. I've seen other brands do the same type of snack, sold in other supermarkets. I'm sure they're delicious too...but anyway, I've only tried this kind. SeaSnax are great, they come in multiple flavors (chipotle, wasabi, classic, spicy onion), and are great for the following other reasons:
  • vegan
  • gluten free
  • GMO-free
  • MSG-free
  • Sugar free
  • low cal (the whole pack is approx 35 calories)
  • all natural "vegetable of the sea"
  • only 100% olive oil added and a touch of salt- nothing else!
It's "strangely addictive" as their website says...and if you don't believe me, check them out here: http://www.seasnax.com/ !

Happy seaweed snacking,