Monday, March 18, 2013

Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Bran Muffins: TRY THIS RECIPE!

My awesome roommate Allison made these Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Bran Muffins for us, from the recipe off of this website: (this link goes to the recipe). Not only are they delicious, but the perfect consistency of moist and sweet. Not TOO sweet, but just enough that you're thinking, "wow, this bran muffin is tastier than I thought it would be!"

These muffins are filling because of the bran component. They're a great snack that keeps you full for a while. Sidenote: if you're a weight watchers person, this is 5 points per serving on the points plus program. Allison actually cut out the walnuts (because we do not like walnuts in our baked goods) and made the serving size smaller-- we got 16 in the batch, not 12. FYI- she believes this equates with 3 WW points instead of 5 each. 

If you love to bake, you've got to try this recipe. I would love to make them for you, but I'm lazy, and that is why I pay to live in a house with roommates like Allison! (But don't count on Julia to whip something like this together, because I am pretty sure she doesn't know how to use our oven...or where to find the baking ingredients.)


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