Wednesday, January 16, 2013


In response to the LARA BAR debacle last week, I have found a wonderful solution! This LUNA FIBER bar DOES NOT CLAIM to be a brownie (this is a "soft-baked fruit-filled bar"), yet it pretty much looks & tastes like one! (EPIC FAIL for LARA Bar, who claims to be a brownie and tastes like poop instead). 

Try this delicious new and pretty packaged treat- it comes in 3 delectable flavors, and is only 110 calories. It's 70% organic (at least their honest about it, right?), kosher, has 7 grams of fiber, and has the CORE 4 combo: calcium, iron, folic acid and vitamin D.

BEWARE: the only downside I can come up with (after my food-conscious boss and I analyzed the ingredients, of which there are many...) there are a ton of "syrups" in this food. What does that mean? SUGAR SUGAR SUGAR. 11 grams, to be exact. That means nothing for someone like myself who doesn't really watch my sugar intake...I know, that isn't something I am proud of. But it's still healthier than the average bag of chips. 

Yum yum yum.

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